Torres Strait Islanders are bringing the first climate change case against the Australian federal government. Supported by the region’s land and sea council Gur A Baradharaw Kod (GBK) and represented by leading environmental lawyers from ClientEarth, Torres Strait Islanders will take a climate change case against Australia to the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations. This case would be the first of its kind in the world. The Torres Strait Islands are a pristine wilderness region, containing the most northerly part the Great Barrier Reef. As well as rare species such as endangered turtles and dugongs, tis area is home to one of Australia’s oldest living cultures. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures are, in fact, the oldest continuing living cultures in the world. But climate change is putting life on these islands at risk. Tides and coastal erosion are getting worse each year and causing flooding and damage to land and homes. Sea level rise caused by climate change is increasing erosion of these small low-lying islands. As the oceans rise, it looks more likely every day that important cultural sites located on the edge of islands will be lost. Rising seas could force people to leave the islands, dispossessing Torres Strait Islanders from their homes – but locals are adamant that they will not be forced to relocate from the islands. Rising sea temperatures are also affecting the health of marine environments throughout the Torres Strait, through coral bleaching and ocean acidification. If the reefs and the marine life that depends on them are damaged, the islander way of life could also be at risk. Right now, the Australian government has no policies to meet its low emissions reduction target of 26-28% by 2030. The scientific community has stated this is a target that already needs to be increased to protect the world’s most climate vulnerable populations, and for there to be any chance of saving the Great Barrier Reef. The islanders will ask the United Nations to find that international human rights law means that Australia must increase its emission reduction target to at least 65% below 2005 levels by 2030. Despite these facts, the Australian federal government acts as a powerful advocate for the fossil fuel industry, ignoring the existential threats the people in the Strait face. Supporting the Torres Strait Islander community, this campaign will push to make sure that the Australian government is doing everything it can to support the people of the Strait with the resources they need to protect the islands from climate change, and to mobilise Australia to pass laws to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with its commitments to a 1.5 degree target under the Paris Agreement.