First Nations and Zenadth Kes People are warned that this Academy may contain images
and/or voices or names of deceased Indigenous persons, or sites of cultural significance.
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Beginner Level Language Learning - Kalaw Kawaw Ya (KKY) Language The 1st three books in the series are part of foundation to Torres Strait Island culture good food, close relationship to sea animals plus a cognitive challenge, counting. The next books in the series will continue build on this foundation while progressing language learning into short sentences and stories.
You tube video for pronunciations, while the book shows the spelling in Yr 1-3 Qld education font. Each word is accompanied by a clear traditional drawing (except numbers). The graphic design is simple and white background to minimise distractions.
Read more … Malu Uruy Nelngu Thusi Names for Sea Animals Book Kalaw Kawaw Ya Language Book Aka Adee
Beginner Level Language Learning - Kalaw Kawaw Ya (KKY) Language The 1st three books in the series are part of foundation to Torres Strait Island culture good food, close relationship to sea animals plus a cognitive challenge, counting. The next books in the series will continue build on this foundation while progressing language learning into short sentences and stories.
You tube video for pronunciations, while the book shows the spelling in Yr 1-3 Qld education font. Each word is accompanied by a clear traditional drawing (except numbers). The graphic design is simple and white background to minimise distractions.
Read more … Geth Tiday Thusi Counting Book Kalaw Kawaw Ya Language Book Aka Adee